How did RRC get its start?
Like most companies, RRC got it start with one person, working in an industry, but realizing something was broken. And, at least in the beginning, part of what was “broken,” was President Tim Roose. The reason the recruiting industry originally appealed to him was the ability to help people, in a business setting. But, no fault of the company he was working for, while he’d been successful in his role it felt as if he was no longer focused on helping people. Instead, it felt like he was doing the same “business processes,” over and over again. Living by a check list, a to-do list, and a daily agenda, rather than showing the care and empathy for others that drove him to the industry.
But, if he was only part of what was “broken” what was the other part? The job search process in working with a recruiting company had its flaws as well. When someone is in a job search, or at the point where they are considering a change, above all else, they’re looking for another human to talk to, someone to bounce ideas off, someone with some expertise in the job search process to give them insight. But, so often that is hard to come by because most recruiters are overworked, overwhelmed, and thus not nearly as available as they’d like to be to help potential candidates.
So, in February 2017 Roose Recruiting & Consulting was launched. It’s mission? To restore hope to the job search process by connecting top sales & recruiting professionals with the organizations that would help them thrive!
Will they only talk to folks who fit that mold? No, they will try to help anyone who needs it, but know that having a specific focus in crucial in remaining available enough to be able to help others as they are so called to do.
How do they help people who they may never be able to find a job? Well, in a number of ways, but the most common is through an official service offering titled “The Corporate Kool-Aid Check,” where candidates are free to ask for an opinion on a company’s culture, even when that company they’re interviewing with is independent of a partnership with us.
Why would a candidate need to do this? Because sometimes a company’s “interview appearance” and company culture are two different things, as over and over we hear the story, “I started a new job, and within the first couple weeks asked myself, ‘What did I get myself into?’ This is not at all what it appeared to be!” If this offering can help just one person avoid a similar fate, it will be worth it!
Need help in your job search? Never hesitate to reach out!